Common Traits of Great Business Leaders

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Great Business Leaders

Dawn Johnson, a former senior marketing executive with USAA, leads DMJ Consulting in San Antonio as the founder and CEO. Focused on serving CEOs and senior executives, Dawn Johnson of San Antonio leverages her extensive leadership, business strategy, and marketing skills to help clients create customer-centric business plans.

Leading a business is challenging task, but some individuals naturally have a number of characteristics that help make them resourceful and effective business leaders. Following are just a few common traits seen among great business leaders:

Thick Skin
All individuals receive negative feedback at some point in their careers and this is no different for business leaders. However, effective leaders take this negative feedback and continue growing with it rather than letting it keep them down.

Open to New Developments
With the world of business being impacted so heavily by changing technology and techniques, it’s easy for a company to fall behind. Effective leaders stay abreast of new developments and are regularly seeking new ways of improving their company’s operations.

Although having a healthy dose of caution is good for business, many companies cannot grow to their full potential without their leaders taking calculated risks. Great business leaders are not afraid to do what is best for their company, even if it may be a bit risky.

It is often easiest to find success when helping others find their own success. Top leaders are willing and happy to help others both in and out of their company. This demonstration of caring often comes back to help business leaders.